Research by the numbers for fiscal year (FY) 2015:
Sponsored Research Projects
$194.2 M Princeton University campus expenditures (FY July 1-June 30)
$103.0 M U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) expenditures (FY Oct. 1-Sept. 30. Expenditures do not include “pass through” ITER procurements.)
211 Projects supported by foundation funding
63 Projects supported by industry funding
1,377 Total sponsored research projects
Technology Licensing Activities
117 Invention disclosures received
31 Patents issued
191 Patent applications filed
29 Technologies licensed
$142 M Gross royalty proceeds (95.7% of this amount is from royalty payments from a cancer drug, Alimta. These payments will cease in July 2016 when the patent for Alimta expires.)
Funding Sources for Sponsored Research Activities (Campus)