November 2017
The opportunity to grow
It is always exciting to welcome new faculty to Princeton. In this issue of Discovery: Research at Princeton, I am pleased to introduce our readers to some of these passionate individuals, ranging from early-career faculty who are setting up their first laboratories to seasoned leaders who bring to campus their experiences in mentor-ship, teaching and intellectual leadership.
At Princeton, our faculty, students and postdoctoral researchers collaborate and share insights as a way to expand the realm of human understanding. Whether from the departments of classics or computer science, molecular biology or mathematics, our researchers pursue knowledge that benefits humanity. The full impact of this research may not always be immediately realizable or recognizable, but the contribution to our collective knowledge inspires further creativity and fosters the innovations of tomorrow.
As you read about our newcomers and their dedication to improving our lives and our planet, I hope you’ll reflect on the importance of continued support for research funding. Our nation’s universities train some of the best scientists and educators in the world. Their ability to generate innovations and insights stems in large part from public support for research.
This support enables early-career researchers like Nathalie de Leon in electrical engineering, who is developing ways to image single molecules, and Martin Jonikas in molecular biology, who studies algae to learn the secrets of their rapid growth with the long-range goal of boosting the growth of crops, to come to the lab each day motivated to make new discoveries. I hope this magazine gives you insights into the inspirations and motivations of these faculty members and their teams of students and postdoctoral researchers. These are the people who hold our future in their hands.
Pablo Debenedetti
Dean for Research
Class of 1950 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering