Annual Report


Fiscal year 2014

The Office of the Dean for Research supports Princeton’s role as one of the world’s leading research universities by uniting people, resources and opportunities for the creation, preservation and transmission of knowledge. The dean administers research activities at Princeton through the following five offices: Corporate and Foundation Relations, Technology Licensing, Research and Project Administration, Research Integrity and Assurance, and Laboratory Animal Resources. The dean also consults with the University Research Board to formulate and implement policies on research.

Sponsored Research Projects

Sponsored Research FY 2014$199.8 M  Princeton University campus expenditures
$79.5 M U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) expenditures
1,373 Total sponsored research projects
262 Projects supported by corporate or foundation funding



Technology Licensing Activities

Technology Licensing Activities106 Invention disclosures received
175 Patent applications filed
28 Patents issued
$142,980,000 Gross royalty income
25 Technologies licensed



Funding Sources for Sponsored Research Activities (Campus)

Funding Sources FY 2014